
It’s our Anniversary!

Published October 26th, 2022 by Randy Walker

On October 26, 2019, we opened our doors in downtown Douglas, Michigan!  In some ways, that seems like yesterday and in other ways, it seems like a lifetime ago!

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What is a Sniffari?

Published October 9th, 2022 by Randy Walker

Perhaps you have been hearing the term “sniffari” lately!  Honestly, I had never heard it until earlier this year when I was introduced to the fabulous book, The Forever Dog by veterinarian Karen Becker and animal activist, Rodney Habib.

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Blessing of the Animals

Published September 25th, 2022 by Randy Walker

The Blessing of the Animals originated as part of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. One of the most beloved Catholic saints, St. Francis was known for his affection for animals. He believed that all creatures were his brothers and sisters

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September 11th

Published September 11th, 2022 by Randy Walker

Every year on September 11th, I find myself watching the documentaries and footage of that horrible day in 2001. It is important for me to never forget all of those innocent victims whose lives were tragically taken. I will probably watch it all again today, but I also want to do something positive this year.

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Most Frequently Asked Question

Published September 4th, 2022 by Randy Walker

In a previous blogpost, I mentioned that the second most frequently asked question I get asked is, “Where is the store dog?” The question I get asked the most is, “What is your most indestructible dog toy?” While no dog toy is completely indestructible, we carry some product lines that are very durable.

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